Thursday, November 28, 2024

Meniscus and Situational Awareness







Most days, walking dogs is uneventful. Other days, it's George.

George is one of my regulars and he’s a good boy, but he is a bit ‘dog aggressive.’ I have a whole routine, not just with George, but all the dogs under my care. See another dog? Cross the street. Spot a dog in the distance? Head in the other direction. Hear a leash jingle? Duck and weave like I’m LeBron James in the playoffs.

But sometimes, even the best-laid plans can’t save you.

One day, George and I were walking and there was a French Bulldog I didn’t see, because he was walking in the opposite direction in the street behind cars like a ninja. George sensed him. And before I knew it George made a fast and quick U-turn in front of me. The upper half of my body followed, but my left leg didn’t. Now I’m a card-carrying member of the Torn Meniscus Club.

So stay vigilant. Wear roller-skates (just kidding). And don’t underestimate the power of glucosamine and chondroitin. My knees are held together by supplements and sheer will at this point.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Pass On Tall Grass

One thing I like to avoid when walking dogs is TALL GRASS! I don't know what's in there. I can't see anything. Is there a snake? A rabid cat waiting to take it's revenge out on Fido? Broken glass from a beer bottle that one of the neighbor's guests threw out after their loud party the night before resulting you getting ZERO sleep?! I digress.

You just never know. And although Fido may want to explore and it's tempting to allow his cute little eyes to lull you into letting him stick his snoot in there; don't do it! It may cause a momentary spell of heartache. But you'll avoid any deep regrets of potential injury or harm.

Fido will thank you and so will your client!